Hosted by SJO music director Mitch Glickman, “Beyond Symphonic Jazz” is a new 2-hour radio show on KJazz 88.1 “America’s Jazz Station.” The show airs every Sunday evening from 9 – 11 pm and the broadcasts can also be listened to anytime by clicking here. (Please note the downloads are only available for two weeks.)
“Beyond Symphonic Jazz” explores where the worlds of jazz and classical music meet, along with interviews from some very special composers and performers. The show features interviews with the leading music creators in symphonic jazz today including Bela Fleck, Christian McBride, Terence Blanchard and Lee Ritenour. Commissioned works recorded on the Symphonic Jazz Orchestra’s album including George Duke’s “Dark Wood” Bass Concerto for McBride”, Lee Ritenour’s “Symphonic Captain’s Journey” and George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” can be purchased by clicking here.